Melt chocolate, pour in a foil lined and sprayed pan. Let set til firm. Melt white chocolate candy melts, add peppermint flavoring and pour over chocolate. Crush candy canes and sprinkle over wet white chocolate layer. Let set til firm. Peel off foil. Break into pieces. All done. Easy. Delicious. Diana
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Even More Christmas Cookies
I used edible wafer paper for these sweet cookies.
My fav is the Shaun the Sheep cookie! How funny is he! I know the grandkids will LOVE him. (We spent hours watching a Shaun video on vacations this year!) You can't believe how wonderful edible paper is. WONDERFUL....... It makes decorating cookies so easy and individual. Diana
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
SomeMore Cookies Please
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Cookies For Me!
On the day I took these pictures, it was snowing, very appropriate for winter cookies but terrible for picture taking.
Remember when I did a Fabulous Friday on edible cookie transfers from King Arthur Flour? Well, I became obsessed with them (so unlike me I know).
Do you know you can make these with just a few purchases on line.......A new printer, edible ink cartridges and edible cookie wafers from Kopy Kake and I was ready to go! I am going to have to make a bunch of these to make back the set up cost but the possibilities! This snowman for instance. I used clear piping gel and coarse sugar around the edge.
And how sweet are these little Victorian tots all bundled up for winter. And wait til you see some of the other cookies I have dancing around in my head! Diana
Monday, December 12, 2011
Candy Cane Shea Butter Soap
Melt and pour soap is an easy way to make really pretty handmade gifts. I used a silicon loaf pan and shea butter glycerin melt and pour base. I divided the block of base into two glass measuring cups. To one I added red dye and the other I left white. I melted both and added peppermint scent. Then I poured alternating layers(allowing the layers to set up until firm in between).
I reheated the soap in the cups when needed. Once the loaf pan was almost full, I crumbled crushed candy canes down the center of the loaf while the last layer was still wet.
This is what it looked like once I removed it from the pan.
This looks good enough to eat!
The soap set up about 24 hours and then was put into bags that I sealed closed. I got 9 bars out of my loaf pan but I was really generous when I was slicing. These smell soooo good. I think I will set one aside for me! Diana
Friday, December 9, 2011
Fabulous Friday 9
Sometimes it is the simplest things that make the biggest difference in our projects. Like when you've stitched a pillow or apron and then turn your almost finished project right side out and you have the three inch unfinished gap you have to slip stitched closed! Hate it. Never looks good. Well, WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS STUFF!!!!
It will close up the gap without the tell tale hand stitching. Just cut a piece the size of the gap and iron in place. That's it, it's done! And it does so much more. Holds ribbon in place for a perfectly straight line for top stitching. Saves Sunday morning panic when you notice an undone hem. And it is cheap too! Less than 5 bucks and the roll will last FOREVER! Get some...now! Walmart, Target or your local fabric store. Diana

Saturday, December 3, 2011
Cluck, Cluck
I'm a lucky girl. I live on a small farm that allows me to keep a little flock of chickens. They provide me, and many of my friends and family with fresh eggs all year round. I have noticed that some women must have a gene that draws them to our little feathered friends! Me and my fellow chicken lovers talk about our "girls" every time we get together. "How many eggs are you getting?" "Are you using a light this winter to keep them laying?" "Did you end up with any roosters in your last batch of chicks?" (I think I got 4!)
We just can't seem to get enough of the little ladies! So when I came across a pattern for these cute little pin cushions in the shape of chubby hens I knew I would have to make a flock of them.
Two tiny little log cabin squares are sewn together to form this hen.
I used scraps of yellow, red and brown fabrics. They are cut in one inch wide strips (finished size ends up being 1/2 wide).
Here is a shot of her bottom (pardon me!) and the sloppy whip stitch I used to close her up. I used rice as a filler. I didn't add the tail (forgot until she was already roosting in her nest and didn't want to disturb her). I got the pattern in Holmes County, Ohio's Amish country from a sweet little quilt shop but you can order it on the designer's web page. Her pattern doesn't include it I think you could also do this faster paper piecing (if you are good at drawing your own pattern). But you will need her assembling instructions.....trust me. Diana
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Days Of The Week Quilt
I know, I know, I haven't posted in forever but I have been busy, I promise. I have been working on a quilt that is sooo sweet. And I finally finished it today!
I love days of the week ANYTHING. Towels, underwear.......so I thought how cute it would be if I put together a Days of the Week quilt.
The redwork is done on my embroidery machine.
I can't remember where I got the design. I know I downloaded it online but I can't find anything in the file that tells me where I got it. That's what happens when you don't write things down. 
I machined quilted on the solid squares around the embroidery.How fun is this little lady. She looks so earnest. Just to be clear, I DON'T wear a dress to do housework but I do like the IDEA of wearing a cute dress everyday.
I also did a cute quilting design on the four square with the embroidery machine too! This quilt is so cheerful it almost makes housework look fun......almost. Diana
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fabulous Find Friday 8
This week's find is the SUPER FABULOUS Party Blog. Free printables, links to suppliers, instructions.....it has it all to host the most adorable themed parties ever! And the photos are soooo cute. Check it out! Diana
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Santa's Magic Key
What do you do if you don't have a chimney for Santa to come down? Hang a magic key on your front door of course.
Here are two versions of the Santa's Magic Key that I made up this past weekend.
For this one I made a fimo Santa belly, complete with a belt and buckle. Both have old skeleton keys on ribbons. I got the keys at auctions over the past year. The poem was available on the Internet. Just google magic Santa key poem and a number of them will come up! Now Santa will have no trouble getting into your house to deliver presents! Diana
Monday, November 14, 2011
Hot Chili Pepper Cookies
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wafer Paper Winter Cookies
Remember the cookie wafer papers I got from King Arthur's Flour? Here ate the cookies I made using them.
These were the easiest cookies ever to decorate and look how pretty they are!
After they dried my husband and I tasted one to see if the paper really dissolved into the frosting. Not only did it dissolve but I couldn't tell any difference in the texture of the frosting. It was totally gone. I LOVE THIS STUFF! My husband will be taking them to Africa to share with some of his co-workers. These cookies are the closest thing they will see of winter weather! Diana
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Crispy Snowmen
Once again my husband is subbing in our church's children's class (primary valiant 8-9) and as a matter of survival, he needs an awesome treat. Something that will wow them and keep them in line long enough to get through a lesson. I know, we shouldn't bribe them but let goodness be it's own reward, blah, blah blah, but when you are a substitute teacher you do what you got to do.
He will set these guys on the table through the whole lesson.....no explanation, but those kids aren't dumb. They will quickly figure out that they will only get one at the end IF they are good!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Fabulous Find Friday 7
Why do I love my Ezy-hem soooo much. I get the crispest hems ever! Because it is made of metal it is safe to use with an iron! Just fold the fabric over the edge of the Ezy-hem at the desired width and iron over it to get a perfect edge.
Best money I ever spent and it is on sale right now at Nancy's Notions. BUY IT NOW! Diana

How did I not know my husband's favorite bread was baguettes! I was preparing to make some sourdough when he said that he LOVED baguettes more than any other bread. I had no clue.....thank goodness for King Arthur's recipe.
I had to mix the starter for them the night before (which still gave me time to make some sourdough bread which is MY favorite bread) and made his bread yesterday morning. Funny thing though, I ate most of the loaf we broke open......I had to put the remaining two loaves in the freezer to save them for later. Diana
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Cupcakes in a Jelly Jar
My dear husband was brave sweet to volunteer to take our most "spirited" class in children's primary this Sunday and I couldn't send him in empty handed.
The promise of Chocolate and Cherry cupcakes in a jar should keep the little munchkins in line long enough to allow him to get through the lesson. And they can take them home to eat instead of dropping crumbs all over the church! Man I would love to be in his class! I mean, Cupcakes in a Jar! I'd sit quietly for 30 minutes for one of these babies!
Chocolate cupcake, cherry filling, chocolate cupcake, vanilla buttercream, chocolate jimmies and chocolate chips!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Rubber Ducky Cupcake
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Gobble Gobble
Did any of you buy the Thanksgiving vinyl pack from Groupdeals a few weeks ago? I did! And here is the first project I am using it in. First I spray painted a canvas nickel silver.
Then I cut out the phrases and arranged them on the canvas til it made sense. I really like the pumpkin color against the silver background. I know I should have used the cricut to make my own vinyl phrases but this was so much easier and faster. Diana
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Beary Christmas
I used to make bears.....a lot of bears actually. Each hand sewn (read that as needle and thread not by a sewing machine), jointed and totally unique. That was a long time ago.
But with Christmas coming I got the urge to see if I could still put one together. Endure all the flying tuffs of fur and the sore fingers. And because I stick out my tongue when I am sewing, I eat alot of fur. It is not pretty...... trust me. But here is the result! He is so soft and huggable!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Fabulous Find Friday 6
No I didn't make these, but I am going to, as soon as the transfer sheets arrive from King Arthur Flour! They look so sweet and aren't too expensive....less than one dollar per cookie.
And since I was already ordering the cookie sheets, I got a few other goodies too! Diana
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Rocky Road Brownies
Chocolate and marshmallow, what's not to love? I got this recipe from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. Have you ever read her blog? Hilarious! And her treats are awesome! Like everything delicious and bad for you all mixed together.
I brought a tray of these to my parents a few weeks ago and as I was removing the pan from the table, my dear little grandmother threatened my life if I didn't leave the leftovers behind when I left for home. THREATENED MY LIFE. I guess it was a complement........ Anyway, try these, but be sure and make enough to give to your granny, for goodness sakes! Diana
Monday, October 31, 2011
Tea Time Pot Holder
I love in-the-hoop embroidery projects! I made this pot holder from a design from here.
I will say that the tea pot is pretty small so I think it is more of a trivet than pot holder, unless you have very tiny hands. Diana
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Beehive Towel
I got a new embroidery machine!!!!!! Now I can do larger designs!!!!! Here is a practice run I did. I took an inexpensive kitchen towel and embroidered a country style bee hive on it.
Then I used my bias maker to iron some coordinating fabric to cover the less than attractive bottom and top edges.
This design (sorry, don't know where I got it) took about 40 minutes to stitch. WOW, that was a long time. But how cute will this towel look as a gift with a bottle of our own honey. Diana
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Boo to You
I wish I was more original but I copied this cupcake too! The frosting is a cool marshmallow recipe that takes some time but is totally delicious. 
2 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
6 tbs water
1 tbs light corn syrup
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
pinch salt
1 cup mini marshmallows
1 tsp vanilla
In a large bowl placed over a sauce pan of simmering water combine egg whites, sugar, water, corn syrup. cream of tartar and salt. Mix with a whisk constantly until sugar dissolves and mixture reaches 160 degrees. Transfer to electric mixture and beat until soft peaks form. Add marsh mallows and vanilla and beat until frosting is smooth. Use immediately.
To make the the ghosts put frosting in decorator bag and snip off about one inch off tip. Pipe ghosts on top of cupcakes. The eyes and mouths are made from melted chocolate piped onto foil and let set up. Yum Yum. Spooky never tasted so good. Diana
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fabulous Find Friday 5
Are you a sewer or even just someone who likes gadgets? Well I fall into both categories so when I saw this machine a while ago I knew I had to have it. So much fun and it can do more than make bias tape.
It makes great quilt binding too! Walmart carries it as does Amazon. I also found a great video that teaches how to make continuous bias tape here. And why would you want to make your own bias tape? Because you won't be limited to the solid colors sold at the notions dept. Instead you can have calico or polka dots or any fabric from your stash! And I even saw some cute bias tape on etsy that someone made and would be cute as a gift for your sewing friends. Love this machine. Diana

Melted Witch Cupcakes
Here is my take on the melted witch idea out in the blogosphere. I actually made a mold for the witch hat instead of using Hersey kisses because I needed the hats to be smaller. And I added chocolate eyes too!
These were a big hit at our church's trunk or treat on Wednesday. They make me laugh! Diana
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Our Halloween party is only two days away, and due to a recent bout of procrastination I did not have the candy eyes I NEED for all of our goodies. You can find them online, but the shipping to get them here in time was way more than I was willing to pay. Thanks to mom who saved the day, again, and an edible marker I was able to turn these 'Old Fashioned Candy Buttons' into fun candy eyes. Phew! Now our goodies can see our guests.
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