Thursday, June 30, 2011
Make Your Own Mold
I have spent a small fortune on fimo molds on Etsy over the last 6 months. Then I saw this product and decided to try to make my own. You can bake the fimo in this stuff too! No need to remove it from the mold first!
There are two putties inside. You need to take equal amounts of both. I rolled each into a rope and that made it easy to compare the two.
You only have one minute so you have to move fast. Mix the two together until the color in consistent.
Roll into smooth ball and carefully insert prototype into the putty. I used a flower I had gotten from Pick Your Plum.
Let putty sit with flower embedded for about 20 minutes. The mold will firm up and then you can remove the flower. The putty is flexible so it is easy!
Now you can fill it with chocolate, fimo or anything you want! If you are using fimo, you can bake it at 260 for about 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool. Now you can remove the flower! Be sure and wash the mold after each use. Now I am hunting around the house for anything I can turn into a mold. Think of the possibilities! Diana
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wrist Wallet
My kids love these! Little guy always loses his money. Since we will spend most of July on vacation in various places I knew that I needed to find something to help him keep it together. I found a great tutorial for a lunch money cuff at this website
Her tutorial is FANTASTIC! It is easy to follow and literally only takes about 10 or 15 minutes to make. The best part is that all you need is fabric scraps. 
I made them for our cousins that we will see on vacation, too! These would be great for birthday or back to school gifts with a little something extra tucked inside.
The only changes I made was using interfacing to back the entire exposed front panel. It adds a little more stability. I also made two button closures on each one rather than the Velcro-it's what I had on hand. I couldn't find any zippers shorter than 12", so I just measured how much I needed and stitched back and forth at that point to create the right length. Then, just trimmed off the excess.
Little guy hasn't taken his off in three days. Success!
Birthday Banner
Family traditions are so very important! I am sending this banner to my three littlest grandsons and it is sure to become their newest birthday tradition!
I made this with my embroidery machine. It took a bit of time but that is a whole lot of letters! It is made with felt and pretty fat quarters. Button holes make stringing on a ribbon very easy and so tidy.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Pastel Pennsylvania Dutch Card
Friday, June 24, 2011
Please tell me this doesn't look like a purse
I promised my eight year old that it doesn't look like a purse, but I am not completely convinced (shhh). He needed a carrying case for his robot covered scriptures he received as a gift for his baptism in May. I found this great fabric at Hobby Lobby and came up with this case. I stitched up two envelopes of fabric and then sewed a 45 degree angle at each bottom corner to create a 3-d envelope. Then after sewing both envelopes together with right sides facing I flipped them right side out through a small opening. A little top stitching and striped handle and he has his own non-purse like carrying case (or so I keep telling him).
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Boston Cream Pie Twinkies
Do you ever see something on a blog and just have to make it? I saw these adorable twinkies on Confession of a cookbook queen. Check out her blog for more delicious recipes and her hilarious sense of humor.
First you need a twinkie pan. And I mean NEED a twinkie pan. Doesn't everyone?
I made my cake from scratch but a cake mix would work fine. I also overfilled the cups so I had to trim off the bottoms so they could stand straight.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Easy Microwave Suckers
Candy making is fun but keeping track of the temperate until it is just right can be a pain. Here is a no fail recipe for suckers that required no thermometer!
Prepare molds by lightly spraying with nonstick spray. In a 4 cup glass measuring cup combine 1 cup sugar with 1/2 cup corn syrup. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave at full power for 3 minutes and 10 seconds. Remove from microwave and stir. Be very careful when removing plastic because the steam WILL burn you! Use a new piece of plastic wrap to cover and return to microwave for another 3 minutes and 10 seconds. Stir in food coloring until you get the desired hue and then add a few drops of flavoring. I used cinnamon. I wanted it spicy so I used about 6 drops! Immediately pour into molds and insert sticks. Let set up until hard and release from molds. So yummy! One note: do not half this recipe! The times will not be correct and YOU WILL BURN the syrup. I know this from first hand experience!
I made these little tags with punches. The star is cut from a printed paper and then mounted with foam tape.
I Like Lemonade
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
That's My Pie!
What do you get an Amish couple for their wedding? Money is always welcome but it seems so impersonal. So, along with a bit of cash, I etched their name onto a glass pie dish and plan on putting it and some other baking tools into a basket.
I used my cricut to cut out vinyl (a reverse image so that it will look correct when seen through the glass). I like to use vinyl better than contact paper because it prevents bleeding under better. The vinyl goes on the back of the pie plate and I pressed the edges of the words down really well. Next I applied a generous coating of etching cream onto the letters and allowed it to sit for 15 minutes. After the time was up, I scraped the cream back into the jar (you can keep reusing it) and rinsed off the residue. I then removed the vinyl and rinsed again, making sure no cream or glass dust was left on the plate. After it dried the letters showed up very well. Now our friends will always get their dish back after Amish get togethers. And yes I realize there are tons of Yoders, but how many of them will have their name on their dish!!!! Diana
Monday, June 20, 2011
I'm In Love
with these beautiful canning crates that my husband made me. I have been canning for a few years and have found that the jars were beginning to take over my cellar and pantry. In frustration I mentioned that I needed some storage for them and this is what he made me-15 stacking crates. I love them! It's funny cuz I thought I had TONS of jars, but now that they are all stacked and organized I think I need more.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day In A Bottle
This is what I am doing for my dad this year. I filled a large water bottle with a ton of candy and attached a gift card with twine.
It was easier than it looks. Remove the label from the bottle and cut the bottle in half all the way around in an area the new label will cover. Fill with candy and fit the two ends of the bottle back together and seal with mailing tape. Now all that's left is to decorate the bottle. My dad has a real sweet tooth so he should enjoy this and the gift certificate will be a extra treat. Diana
Saturday, June 18, 2011
M&M Bowtie
We will be making these funny bow ties in Primary (children's Sunday school) this Sunday for Father's Day.
Just cut a piece of 1/4 inch wide ribbon about 30 inches long. Pinch in the center of the package of M&M's and tie the ribbon around it in a knot, so that it leaves two ties dangling down. Now you can tie it around the dad's neck. I can't wait to see all the fathers walking around after church with candy bow ties! Diana
Friday, June 17, 2011
I have been seeing these braided ribbon head bands at local festivals and in cute little boutiques. I knew I could make them myself so this is my first effort.
It is cloudy outside so it is difficult to see that it is made from red and white ribbon. It cost about 2 dollars to make and the supplies and instructional videos are available at
It's A Big World
Thursday, June 16, 2011
2011 Father's Day Candy Bars
Do you need a fast and inexpensive gift for all the dads you want to honor on Sunday?
Make up a batch of these sweet treats and you can!
My girlfriend Rhoda and I are giving these out to all the men in our church! We used Beyond Birthdays to make the DAD and the star is from Plantin Schoolbook. We used foam tape to pop both die cuts up off the background. A little satin ribbon adds a bit more red to balance out all the blue. Really easy to put together and sure to make the guys happy. We love our Dads! Diana
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Flag Box
Would you believe this gorgeous vintage chest started out as a C.H.E.A.P. little pine jewelry box from my local craft store costing less than $5.00? (If your answer isn't "I can't believe it" proceeded by a gasp of astonishment.... be nice and keep it to yourself)
How did I do it? Well, I painted the box black, including the latch and hinges. Next I modge podged the image on the top and let dry. Then I distressed the whole thing with sand paper, exposing some of the brass on the hardware and wood. Using brown ink, I sponged the exposed areas to add age and finally I sprayed it with matte craft spray. Yippee, It looks so expensive and is perfect for the 4th.
The image is from The Graphics Fairy and is free! Thank you Karen! Seriously, if you aren't checking out her site DAILY you are missing out big time. Diana
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Pretty Bracelet
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Jungle Pops
Monday, June 6, 2011
Is There Anything Modge Podge Can't Do?
Let me start off by saying that I am DEFINITELY not a thrifty person. I have been known to buy nonessential items on a whim. But I HATE to spend money on anything I think I can make myself. Like the license plate maps that I was seeing everywhere! Hobby Lobby had a mounted print for $140. Later it went on sale for $70. And even though I have physical pain if I pass by a sale, I still thought I could beat that price. So I bought a print for less than $25 on the net and a canvas for less than $10 and I was ready to make a copy that will eventually hang in our family cabin.
Three challenges. First, the print was 36x26, and the canvas was 36x24. Some trimming and it fit pretty well. Across the bottom of the print was a stripe with the print's info. Once it was cut off, the print was a little smaller than the frame but I painted the edges black so you don't even notice.
Second problem, large sheets of paper are difficult to modge podge. The paper stretches and bubbles keep forming under the paper. Real headache. I worked and worked it, trying to get the air bubbles out from under the print but finally gave up. I figured I had ruined a perfectly good print but much to my surprise, after drying overnight, the paper had shrunk back and the bubbles were magically gone! Perfect! Now you may be wondering why I didn't just spray mount the print to the canvas and avoid all the drama. Well, the print had a VERY shinny surface and I wanted to use the modge podge to create a textured surface, which it did and solved the third problem. Ugly shinny finish. Now the surface looks more expenxive. And I love how it turned out. So for about half of the sale price I got a huge wall hanging that looks great! Diana
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Cookie Push Ups
Cookies in a push up container, what genius! Unfortunately I am not that clever! I saw these on one of the hundred or so blogs I follow (stalk) and can't remember who I need to give credit to. Sorry.....
I did copy them really well though. I will be giving these out tomorrow at church for visitors in Primary (children's Sunday school).
I made enough for 6 cookies per push up. I iced them in blue...
candy packaging,
gift for kids,
Paper Crafts
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