3 c. sugar
3/4 c. light corn syrup
1/2 c. water
2 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla or almond flavoring
Combined sugar, corn syrup and water in heavy sauce pan and cook over medium heat until thermometer reaches 248. Remove from heat and let cool, DO NOT STIR, until temp drops to 220. Beat egg whites on high (8) until soft peaks form. Pour syrup in a thin stream into the egg whites over a 2 minute period while still beating at a high speed. Now reduce speed to med (4) and add vanilla. Continue beating for about 20 t0 25 mins. I often increase the speed to high for the last 5 minutes. You know when the divinity is ready when it loses it gloss and will not fall off the beater when it is raised. Using two spoons, form little mounds on wax paper and let air dry. You can add chopped pecans to the candy after the candy thickens up or push a pecan half onto the top of each candy. We like then without nuts! Candy making can be scary but with a little attention to temperature, it can be a lot of fun. And oh so good! Diana
do you stir the divinity sugars as it cooks up to 248˚?