I have been so busy lately getting our "A Frayed Knot" glamped up. A few coats of shinny white paint and some new details really brightened her up! Check out the pics below.....

Here is the dining area. The table hasn't been installed because I have apparently "misplaced" the wall bracket that holds it up. I ordered a new one months ago but put it away for safe keeping and now can't find it...... I will find it eventually but until then it is driving me nuts! Oh well. The crows nest looks so fresh and clean now and not dark and scary like before.
Here is one of the night stand/suitcases near the fold out couch.
The other side table.
In case you forgot here is a before photo. Not bad but not good either.
The kitchen still has some work that needs to be done. I will be painting the stove and icebox with teal automobile engine paint soon. We also have a cool quilted stainless steel back splash to put up.
I added some decorative elements on the kitchen's upper cabinets.
The old mirror was in terrible shape so we picked up this cute polka dot mirror from Ikea. It is smaller but the dots were so fun we couldn't resist.
The world's tiniest closet also got a makeover.
Another Ikea find.
View of the couch/bed area.
The coziest place ever to curl up and read a book!
I am probably going to paint the sink in the same teal paint I will be doing the rest of the appliances in. The floor is original and is in pretty great shape so no plans to replace it just yet.
Another cozy spot.
The other side of the dining area.
The crow's nest before.....
and after.
Hope you enjoyed our little playhouse. Can't wait add a few more touches and then start on the exterior.