So much has been going on in our neck of the woods that I have had to let the blog go to a back burner. But I have missed writing on the blog so I hope to take a bit of time once in a while to keep up. One big project we are tackling has been the carriage house down in Georgia. We picked a builder and this week they started excavating. In a few weeks we will go down and check out the progress and hopefully start picking out finishes. In the mean time I have been collecting items to go in the carriage house. I've gotten some Rae Dunn (why did no one tell me about her pottery before) for the kitchen and a few pieces for our home here in Ohio too. We will be painting some of the cabin furniture white to go with my grey, black and white color scheme. So much to do and decide but it is so much fun to have something new to work on. We haven't been letting things here at home slide though, we also painted our dining room and living room in our Ohio room in between all the planning and buying for the carriage house. The dining room is done but I am still working on the decor in the living room. Below are some shots of the dining room.

I love how simple and uncluttered this room now is! I am sure I will be making some changes from time to time but right now this room just makes me happy.
In my next post I will let you in on a few more changes coming up.....