This is going to be a really long post with lots of pics so sit back, relax and see what we have been up to,
We made a quick trip to Georgia to check on the progress at the carriage house and were we ever surprised. The drywall was up and the mud was drying. We has so much fun seeing our plans come to life!
Here is Ron's three car garage. We had it built with no posts in the center so there are huge beams supporting the ceiling and second floor.
This is the other side of the garage. He has an entry into the foyer, a utility closet and a storage closet.
This is the foyer that leads to the staircase.
Going up the stairs. The ceiling is about 25 ft tall! There is a huge window that brings in a ton of natural light.
This is the window that lights up the stair area and you can also see the entry doors to both the garage and stairwell.
Once you climb the stairs you come through another door that leads to the main open area. The kitchen will be behind the half wall, the opening to the right of the kitchen leads down the stairs and the large closet on the far right is my laundry area.
From this picture you can see the kitchen and the door that leads to the pantry behind the half wall.
The pantry is housed in one of the three dormers you see in the front of the carriage house. In the pantry I have a half door that leads to some additional unfinished storage and the attic access.
Just to the right of the laundry closet is a dining nook with a huge window. The ceilings are all 9 feet tall so even though the square footage is small (under 800 sq ft) it seems very spacious.
Another view of the dining nook.
Here is the laundry closet.
Looking from the kitchen you can see the small sitting area and the doors into the bathroom and bedroom.
Same two doorway plus the wall we will probably put the TV on.

The dormer in the sitting area.
Another storage area reached from the dormer.
The bedroom also has a dormer.
Really large walk in closet in the bedroom.
The shower is small but should be OK.
The sink and toilet share a wall opposite the shower.
Another pic of the walk in closet. Plenty of room for the stuff we will keep there.
This window on the 2nd story is also in the bedroom. This side of the house stays shady and we should get good cross breezes between the two bedroom windows.
The back of the carriage house. The large 2nd story window is the dining nook area. There is a small wide window to the left that is in the bathroom.
View from one of the bedroom windows.
Another view of the back of the house.

And in case we have forgotten the reason we bought this particular acreage, here is the dock on the lake where we will be spending most of our time. The lake is above high water level so our little cove is really full right now. We replace the ladder that you climb out of the water on. The old one was rusty and gross. We are slowly replacing any spongy deck wood we find with new boards. It will take some time to get to all of it but we aren't in a rush. Unlike the cabin, we hope this getaway is truly a place to relax and enjoy some down time.