Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mascot For The Vintage Trailer!

Have you ever made something that just didn't want to go together smoothly?  So, that was this project.  First the gold frame was given new life with pretty aqua paint.  All went well until I started the embroidery.  So many problems.  I wanted it to work so bad I just kept handling each issue until finally it was done!  Yeah!  I took pictures and started my post....and then I noticed something.....hmmm.....are there two T's in knot?
Drat!  I can't believe I didn't catch that.  After all that trouble (embroidery download issues, breaking thread, puckering, running out of bobbin thread........) I still had a blaring error.  Maybe no one will notice.  Drat!  So I took it out of the frame (no easy task as I had stapled it together), spent some time and all my patience ripping out the extra T, cleaned every stray thread, put it back in the frame, stapled it close and took more pics.
 So here it is again.....with only one T.  And I love it.....again. 
Soon it will hang over the bed in the camper the A-Frayed-Knot. 
Which is a good thing cuz I think I need a nap.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad you don't know someone with the last name Knott. It would have been a great gift.
